Roles and responsibilities of the officers of the association
The chair of a voluntary management committee is responsible for:
the general management of the association
the management of committee officers and the wider committee members
managing tasks related to meetings and those associated with broader issues concerning the association. If the association employs staff most of these tasks should be carried out in conjunction with them
chairing meetings and ensuring that they are run competently
ensuring discussion and decision-making is democratic and everyone is able to participate fully in meetings
holding the casting vote in the event of a split decision
agreeing meeting agendas with the secretary for the meeting (in consultation with other management committee officers and any staff)
ensuring relevant matters are discussed and appropriate decisions made
and ensuring that Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings are conducted according to the association’s constitution
ensuring that activity on the agreed work plan is carried out as scheduled.
Vice Chair
The role of the vice chair is to support the chair in delivering on their responsibilities as detailed above. In addition, the vice chair takes on the chair’s responsibilities when they are unavailable for meetings. It is expected that the vice chair and chair will catch up regularly.
The secretary is responsible for the regular practical administrative duties of the committee. Tasks include:
convening meetings
booking rooms
dealing with correspondence
preparing agenda for meetings (in consultation with the chair).
taking the minutes of meetings (some committees may wish to appoint a minute secretary for this purpose)
ensuring back-up information is available at meetings where the topics to be discussed require it.
An association that has become a charitable company and chosen to have a ‘company secretary’, does not need a ‘secretary’ as well. A company secretary does not have to be a member of the committee. The association can choose anyone it believes is suitable for the task of ‘secretary’. The position of a ‘company secretary’ is slightly different in that it has a specific legal meaning.
If the secretary is a member of staff of the association, or a contracted person who provides company secretary services, the position does not automatically make them a member of the committee, or a member of the association, and they have none of the rights or responsibilities of either.
Vice Secretary
The role of the Vice Secretary is to support the Secretary in delivering on their responsibilities as detailed above. In addition, the Vice Secretary takes on the Secretary’s responsibilities when they are unavailable for meetings. It is expected that the Vice Secretary and Secretary will catch up regularly.
As well as bearing all the general responsibilities of a voluntary management committee officer, the treasurer is the person specifically entrusted with the funds of the association. Remember that the treasurer is acting on behalf of the committee and that the full committee membership have overall responsibility for the financial activities of the association. In small associations with no paid staff the treasurer will usually deal with the financial transactions and bookkeeping.
The tasks associated with this post are to:
advise the committee on financial matters, both positive and negative
control and account for the association’s finances
issue receipts for all cash received and keep records of that paid out
be a counter signatory to any banking transaction
attend meetings of the finance sub-committee (if there is one)
oversee bookkeeping
prepare the treasurer’s report for the Annual General Meeting
liaise with the appointed auditor or independent examiner for the annual review of accounts
advise the association’s management committee of its financial requirements for the year ahead.
Vice Treasurer
The role of the Vice Treasurer is to support the Treasurer in delivering on their responsibilities as detailed above. In addition, the Vice Treasurer takes on the Treasurer's responsibilities when they are unavailable for meetings. It is expected that the Vice Treasurer and Treasurer will catch up regularly.
Members must elect at least three members to help run the group. These people and the officers will be the Committee.